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Chủ đề: Dynamic skin for FM15

  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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    Dynamic skin for FM15

    A refined dark skin for Football Manager 2015 by the author of the once popular Flex series.

    BIG THANKS to ClemB, for some of the panels borrowed from his excellent BlueO skin, to theBantams, to wannachupbrew, to Artdekdok, the king of all panel makers, to wkdsoul and finally to michaeltmurrayuk.

    Released: 9 December 2014 - v1.0
    Updated: 24 December 2014 - v1.3.5

    Changes in v1.3.5

    Increased text size in the titlebar
    Re-aligned the quick flicks position (thanks Gizel)
    Fixed transparency of the background logos
    New team report screen and tactics pitch (thanks theBantams)
    Brought back arrows in recent attribute changes
    Fixed best 11 screen (thanks michaeltmurrayuk)

    How to add these in your FM
    Step 1
    Download the .rar archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract the folders.
    Step 2
    Cut and paste the extracted folder to:
    Win Vista/Win 7/Win 8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
    Win 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
    Win 98/ME: C:\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\
    Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

    Create folder "skins" if it doesn't exist already.
    Step 3
    Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
    You should see "Dynamic" as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
    Use the Clear Cache button, then hit the Confirm button.

    Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

    This skin is created by dave byrd


    Chủ đề tương tự:

  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    01 Jan 2011
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    Từ: Dynamic skin for FM15

    trời thông tin thì đây đủ chỉ thiếu mỗi link download???????????????????????

  3. #3
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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    Từ: Dynamic skin for FM15

    Trích dẫn Trích dẫn bài viết của hoanghoian Bài viết
    trời thông tin thì đây đủ chỉ thiếu mỗi link download???????????????????????
    bạn cứ bình tĩnh

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