if you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter."In fact, I would like to occupy the political arena, already do not know how many had the Spring and Autumn." Shabbily that old beggar again to me, "Maybe we do not belong to this city." Old beggar is neither equipped with matchless means, nor is it widely known Wal-Mart's King, he is just a poor beggar, poor and pathetic way of shaking in the wind. I was his "new friend," he told me about his past. "I was born in the late 40's, what the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution was like, I know, when I like you so much time," he said pointing my child, "I only read the fifth grade." Then he asked me me, "You read the third?" I shook his head, "I'm High." way he smiled a sigh of relief, is a very strange expression. "I am 50 years old, had been the first time in Shenzhen. At that time, my grandchildren to college, and my son refused to go to school for her. In the rural areas, the girls school were not taken seriously. Moreover, he still has four sons . I relied on piecemeal monthly income support her, but unfortunately she did not read into the final, she is now working in a factory, a month before more than 500 pieces. him, heaved a sigh and said:" Later I am under the home. Who knows, my son has abandoned old useless, and the second daughter, three daughters in the city, and no matter. husband die, and I unaccompanied, alone in the world, Neilingding alone, had to come out begging. " Wow leveling, wow gold, Cheap WoW Power Leveling Store world of warcraft gold,, we professionally focused on providing wow powerleveling service and offers 24/7 non-stop power leveling and wow gold service. With the quickest speed and best service we will satisfy your powerleveling aspiration for your game. We only employ the most professional players and assign only those familiar with your specific class to play your characters. So your character can be leveled by our professional players who are expert in World of Warcraft,We have helped thousands of players reached their desired levels at their appointed time. In addition, we have a strong credit standing and the safety of your Wow leveling, wow gold Cheap world of warcraft gold, Store account will be protected forever. Our motto is "Do what you wish!".And our high quality service, good reputation and competitive price will make you enjoy your purchase from us. Cold wind scratch a gloomy tunnel, dark caves of the cold more. Old beggars can not help but to shivering, reduction in the corner my heart, could not resist tears. cosmopolitan, vagrancy, every thought I lonely in this world, it can not help but not a trace of Health starting with a loss ... ...." He whispered cough, also went on to say that "Shenzhen as rich, people are so indifferent I earned in other places much more than here. "He paused, tears of water," My son is over there in Longgang jumped disability, and that the owner of Builders special black heart. "He a scornful cough, cold and trembling, I have read and would like to extend my hand, but do not listen to orders in hand seems like, "insensitive" of what to do. He added that "I am the eldest son, silly, and he in a construction site when the coolies, he said, than the miners also tired, and the city people look down on him, but more than a number of coal mining safety. Once, he did not care collision between a city people, that person indiscriminate would hit him. "He shed tears, tears over his rough face, such as the cut through the rough bark of the general. I am puzzled and asked: "Why do you cry for him, he was not abandoned you?" "Do flesh and blood!" He said. "Later, he fell from the upper floors more than 10 years, broke a leg ... ..." he sobbed Road, "That's not only black owner of a one-year wage arrears, but also dismissed for abuse silly feet ignored the results of treatment only half silly now he has brought a child with disabilities. In fact, we did not get stolen, honest law-abiding to work, they can not obtain the respect of others, low salaries, there are always those rich "glorious "The rich history, we have more on the poor being treated as a monster-like look?" He has no choice but to sigh a sigh, gloomy winter has been added to a fraction I do not know how to answer him, so only a word to say deep sigh. Later, I can never seen the old beggar, but I could see looked like an old beggar, perhaps they really do not belong to the city.