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  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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    FM20 Leagues Mega Pack (140 Nations) by @Timo@ ( có Vietnam )

    Each Updates are realized to correspond (at best) to the REAL RULES of the championships and to the REAL CALENDARS (rules of number, registration of team, premium of classification, right TV ...).
    All Nation add have prime, Real Cup, reserve / U21.
    Transfers windows calendar are 100% real.
    All updates are playable at the same time.

    Rules for Yellow Cards change to 3,6,9,..
    Angola (D1)
    Bénin (D2)
    Botswana (D2)
    Burkina Faso (D3)
    Burundi (D2)
    Cameroun (D2)
    Cap-Vert (D1)
    Centrafrique (D2)
    Côte d'Ivoire (D2)
    Egypte (D2)
    Ethiopie (D2)
    Gabon (D3)
    R.D.Congo (D2)
    Ghana (D2)
    Guinée (D3)
    Guinée Equatoriale (D2)
    Maroc (D4)
    La Réunion (D2)
    Mayotte (D1)
    São Tomé e Principe (D2)
    Sénégal (D2)
    Somalie (D2)
    Tunisie (D3)
    Zambie (D3) NEW
    Zanzibar (D2) NEW
    Zimbabwe (D) NEW

    Afghanistan (D1)
    Arabie Saoudite (D3)
    Bahrain (D2)
    Bangladesh (D2)
    Cambodge (D2)
    Chine (D3)
    Corée du Nord (D2)
    Corée du Sud (D5)
    Emirats Arabe Unis
    Hong Kong (D4)
    Indonésie (D3) NEW
    Iran (D3)
    Jordanie (D2)
    Kirghizistan (D2)
    Koweit (D2)
    Macao (D5)
    Malaisie (D3)
    Mariannes du Nord (D3)
    Mongolia (D3)
    Myanmar (D2)
    Népal (D4)
    Oman (D3)
    Pakistan (D1)
    Philippines (D1)
    Qatar (D2)
    Singapour (D6) With Cosmo League (2 Levels and Cup)
    Taiwan (D1) + University
    Timor (D4)
    Turkmenistan (D2)
    Vietnam (D4) NEW

    Aruba (D1)
    Anguilla (D1)
    Antigua et Barbuda (D2)
    Bahamas (D2)
    Barbade (D3)
    Belize (D1)
    Bermudes (D2)
    Bonaire (D1)
    Caïmans (D1)
    Canada (D3)
    Guadeloupe (D3)
    Guyana (D2)
    Jamaïque (D3)
    Montserrat (D1)
    Saint Pierre et Miquelon (D4)
    Suriname (D2)
    U.S.A. (D4)

    Argentine (D5)
    Bolivie (D3)
    Brésil (D4)
    Chili (D5)
    Equateur (D3)
    Paraguay (D4)
    Pérou (D3)
    Vénézuela (D3)

    Albanie (D3)
    Allemagne (D5)
    Andorre (D2)
    Angleterre (D8)
    Arménie (D2)
    Autriche (D10)
    Azerbaidjan (D4)
    Belgique (D5)
    Bielorussie (D3)
    Bosnie (D3)
    Bulgarie (D4)
    Chypre (D3)
    Crimée (D1)
    Croatie (D3)
    Danemark (D4)
    Ecosse (D6)
    Espagne (D4)
    Estonie (D2)
    Féroé (D4)
    Finlande (D4)
    France (D5)
    Géorgie (D5)
    Hongrie (D4)
    Irlande (D6) NEW
    Islande (D5)
    Israël (D5)
    Kazakhstan (D3)
    Lettonie (D3)
    Lituanie (D3)
    Luxembourg (D4)
    Macédoine (D3)
    Malte (D4)
    Moldavie (D3)
    Monténégro (D2)
    Norvège (D5)
    Pays-Bas (D7)
    Pologne (D4)
    Portugal (D4)
    Republique Tchèque(D5)
    Roumanie (D3)
    Russie (D3)
    Serbie (D4)
    Slovaquie (D3)
    Slovénie (D4)
    Suisse (D5)
    Turquie (D5)
    Ukraine (D3)

    Fidji (D2)
    Nouvelle Calédonie (D1)
    New Zeland (D4)
    Tahiti (D3)
    Tuvalu (D1) NEW
    Vanuatu (D3) NEW
    Wallis-et-Futuna (D1) NEW

    How to add Megapack By @Timo@ on FM20
    Extract the contents of the .zip archive.
    Move the .fmf files to:
    documents/sports interactive/football manager 2020/editor data
    Create the last folder if it doesn't exist.
    Open FM20 and start a new career save. In the top right of the screen, under "Database", make sure each one of the database is selected.


  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
    Đến từ
    Số bài viết

    Từ: FM20 Leagues Mega Pack (140 Nations) by @Timo@ ( có Vietnam )

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