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Chủ đề: [Logos] DVX Logos

  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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    [Logos] DVX Logos

    DVX Logos | 18v1
    Logopack with an emphasis on quality. Suitable for high levels of in-game zoom. Over 15000 logos for Football Manager 2018.

    Content of DVX Logos 18v1
    13757 Club Logos
    1157 Competition Logos
    7 Confederation Logos
    223 FA Logos
    236 Flags
    Default Logos
    + various alternative logos

    How to add DVX Logos logopack on Football Manager 2018

    Download the .zip file and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract their contents.

    Move the extracted contents to your graphics folder:
    \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\logos\
    Create folders "graphics" and "logos" if they don't exist already.

    Run Football Manager 2018 and go to Preferences > Interface:
    Click the Clear Cache button. Return to the same screen.
    Enable Reload Skin when confirming changes in preferences
    Hit the Confirm button!VRlRBBob!75YyWA7Ni...yEasQQFmKGmeKg

  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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