A logo style effect by FMTurkiye.Net for use with FM 2015 or earlier versions. v1 includes 4700 logos.
This pack includes 4700 logos of clubs. It's intended for use with Football Manager 2015 but it will work with earlier FM versions as well.
v1 Features
Added 4700 club logos
All S. America and Europe club logos, Bg Left and BG Right logos
All Europe and a lot of competition logos
All country flags
Ramoscu, AngaraBebesi06 and Ozgur Aydin Saricioglu.
How to add these in your FM
Step 1
Download the .zip archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract the folders.
Step 2
Cut and paste the extracted folder to:
Windows: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\graphics\logos\
Mac OS X: /Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/graphics/logos/
Create folders "graphics" and "logos" if they don't exist already.
Step 3
Run Football Manager 2015 and go to: Preferences > Interface
Click Using caching to decrease page loading times "OFF"
Click Reload Skin when confirming changes in preferences "ON"
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