FM12 blogs - Release date & Scouting
Hello everyone, and welcome, to the Football Manager 2012 blogs. This year we’ll have a selection of written blogs and video blogs to show you many of the new features that are in this years’ forthcoming release.

My name is Miles Jacobson, and I’m studio director at Sports Interactive, the development team behind the Football Manager series of games. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be guiding you through the changes and new features in this years’ PC & Mac release for Football Manager 2012.

This year we’re not only providing the blogs in English via our forums at, but we’re also very happy to have the blogs available from lots of partner sites around the world, in lots of different languages!

In Spain, you can see the blogs at
In France, at
In Australia, at
In Italy, at &
In Noway, at
In Denmark, at
In Sweden, at
In Turkey, at
And in Russia, at

Before I start talking about what has changed and been added in this years game scouting wise, I have an announcement to make.

(drum roll please). Football Manager 2012 now has a provisional release date!

No longer just “before Xmas 2012” as we’d previously announced, but we’re working around the clock to be able to release the game on Friday, October 21st.

Right - now onto the new features!

There have been significant improvements this year with scouting. Some of this was briefly mentioned when we originally announced Football Manager 12 a few weeks ago, but we can go into more detail now, as well as give you a few new nuggets.

One of the biggest improvements to the whole game this year is the new team report. We’ve very luck at Sports Interactive to have a large number of fans in amongst football, including many scouts who, with permission from their employers, give us the real scouting reports that they put together for teams when watching them for the manager.

And with FM12, we’ve implemented as much of this information as we can!

Not only do you get these reports when scouting the next opposition – you can get a team report from any club in the game world just by asking one of your scouts to scout them.

So what, exactly, do the team reports show you?

Let’s start at the start, and the first screen you’ll see if the “strength overview” screen which shows you the top 3 players at each position at the club, with star ratings for each player.

If you want to go into even more depth than this, just click on the “position strength” options, and you can then see the ratings and rankings for every player and position in the oppositions (or your, if the team report is on your team) squad.

The next option is “team comparison”. This allows you to compare various stats between the two clubs, such as average age, height, weight, caps in the squad, wage bills and how many players are unavailable.

When you are looking at your own team report, the team comparison option will allow you to do a comparison with any team within your own division.

Clicking on the “all positions” tab gives you a comparison of average stats amongst your players, and if you then look at the following tabs to look at goalkeeper, you’ll see a comparison specifically for goalkeeping stats. And with the defenders tab, you see a comparison specifically for defenders. And for midfielders, and attackers.

The “last match” tab gives you information about the clubs last match, with stats such as shots, shots on target, possession etc., and the ratings, goals, and status of each player in that match for both the team you’ve scouted, and their opposition, plus a text match report. And the option to go and watch the match.

Tactic analysis gives you information on how you’ve fared when using specific tactics, with information on how many times you’ve started with those tactics, how many minutes you’ve used them, how many goals you’ve scored & how many you’ve conceded. As well as a breakdown for goals scored and conceded against different rankings of team – higher rated, similar rated and smaller rated. Along with a paragraph of analysis. For each tactic used.

Tactics faced gives you the same information, based on the tactics you’ve played against.

Next up is goal analysis – this shows you at what time in the game you have scored and conceded goals, and where your assists have come from, the types of goals you’ve scored and conceded, and the type of assist for or against you.

It’s quite comprehensive, and isn’t just available for first teams – it’s also available for international teams and your youth and reserve teams.

There are also improvements and new things with player scouting too.

You now have the choice of using a scouting pool to scout players. This would send a scout or member of your coaching staff to go and have a look at a player without you having to designate someone specific.

The scouts are also more intelligent, and will even tell you if they think the scouting mission you’ve sent them on is a waste of time. And if they’re a decent scout and you hire them, they might even bring a ready-made scouting list with them.

They’ll give you feedback on a players best tactical role, will directly compare them to others in your squad in their scout reports, give better feedback on player weaknesses, can be assigned to scout all your feeder clubs & ask them to scout for specific attributes.

But don’t think they’re always clever. If you just scout a player once, and they aren’t famous, you’d better keep scouting them every year or so, or else you might just find some of their stats become hidden again.

I'll be back with another blog around midday tomorrow.
FM12 blogs - Tactics (Video)
In the second blog of this year's series introducing Football Manager 2012, Miles talks about the new Tactics system in the game.
FM12 blogs - Tutorials (Video)
FM12 blogs - Transfers and contracts
When I’m playing the game, I’m the archetypal “wheeler dealer” manager. Buying, selling, negotiating. Finding that young rough diamond, turning him into a world superstar, getting the best years out of him, then selling him for a tidy profit at the same time. Here’s what is in store for me this year.

Let’s start off with improvements to amateur contracts. And the addition of proper “non-contract” err, contracts.

Non-contracts are very similar to amateur contracts in many ways, in that the players are able to move freely to other clubs if they are signed on non-contract terms. However, these players can earn money with appearance fees and bonuses possible.

Non contracts aren’t just for players either – you can offer non-contract terms to staff too.

Of course, these options are only available to you should the team be likely to use them in real life, so don’t expect these options if you’re managing a top division club!

One thing many of the community noticed from the original announcement and screenshots from a few weeks ago was the “loyalty bonus” which has replaced the “signing on fee”. This has been changed based on feedback from both our agent and chief executive contracts, as signing on fees are now paid throughout the length of a contract, and not all upfront.

Another thing that was mentioned then was contract locks. These have a huge effect in the way that contract negotiations are done now, particularly when you’re on a budget!

Say you’ve got a limited wage budget and a maximum of 5k a week, yet the player you want is demanding 7k. Rather than getting frustrated going backwards and forwards without movement, you can lock the 5k offer, and the agent will then look at other ways to make the player happy, such as looking at some of the other bonuses available, or asking for a percentage of any sale on the player. Or they could just accept. Or walk away. But at least you all know where you stand in the negotiation.

There are some other tweaks to contract negotiations too, such as making it easier to withdraw or change your contract offer, including the chance to re-negotiate terms with a player after the agent has provisionally accepted, in case another club comes in for them that might be offering them more wages.

And you’ve also got the chance to have different minimum fee release clauses, for higher division clubs, domestic clubs and foreign clubs, as well as a new contract clause – “pay increase after x international caps”.
What about when players don’t want to be at your club anymore?

We’ve increased the chances that players might ask for mutual terminations, such as when a team gets relegated, or if they are near the end of their contracts and transfer listed.

You can also, via a conversation, issue an ultimatum to a player who hasn’t agreed a new contract with you in the last year of their contract to sign, or they’ll be put on the transfer list.

And also via a conversation, can tell a player why you’re transfer listing them.

A change with agents sees them better servicing the needs of the club – if you suggest that you’re looking for a new goalkeeper in a press conference, for example, then expect to be offered more goalkeepers from agents.

You also now get much better feedback in the game on why a club that was interested might not put in a bid for a player.

As mentioned in the blog that included the news merge, I wrote about the revamp of the transfer centre.

This really now has become the hub from where you sell players – rather than it just having basic information there, it now has more information by default, and by clicking on the more info button, opens up to give you the full information on the screen. It’s really easy to compare all the different offers, and you can accept, reject or negotiate, them directly from the transfer centre screen, either grouped together, or separately.

That's it for today - I hope you all have lovely weekends, and I'll be back with another blog on Monday.

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