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Chủ đề: Aurum Skin for FM15

  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    29 Aug 2006
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    Aurum Skin for FM15

    Gold themed skin for Football Manager 2015


    Icon only sidebar
    Updated sidebar icons

    There are still a few changes I want to make.

    Released: 2 December 2014 - v1
    Updated: 10 December 2014 - v2

    Planned for next version:

    sidebar colour scheme reversed
    continue button altered to fit overall theme
    align some buttons so that the outlines look correct
    remove dividers from title bar to make cleaner look

    Home / Football Manager Downloads / FM 2015 Downloads / FM 2015 Graphics / FM 2015 Skins
    Aurum Skin for FM15
    Gold themed skin for Football Manager 2015
    author By m@rk date Updated on 2015-01-07 10:48 views 117 views comments 0 Comments
    Aurum Skin for FM15
    This is my first attempt so be gentle!!
    Key features:

    Icon only sidebar
    Updated sidebar icons

    There are still a few changes I want to make.

    Released: 2 December 2014 - v1
    Updated: 10 December 2014 - v2

    Planned for next version:

    sidebar colour scheme reversed
    continue button altered to fit overall theme
    align some buttons so that the outlines look correct
    remove dividers from title bar to make cleaner look


    Installation instructions
    Step 1
    Extract the file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
    Step 2
    Move the Aurum folder into your skins folder:

    \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins

    Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
    Step 3
    Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
    You should see "Aurum" as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
    Choose the version you want and hit the Confirm button.


    Chủ đề tương tự:

  2. #2
    Ảnh đại diện của DNV
    DNV đang ngoại tuyến Em tên là Hồng. Hãy gọi em là sịp hồng Moderator
    Ngày tham gia
    09 Dec 2009
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    Từ: Aurum Skin for FM15

    cái này có instant result ko bẹp cái steklo cũng đẹp mà ko có instant, lâu lâu lười đá phải holiday, cuối cùng thành assist nhận giải HLV hay nhất tháng

  3. #3
    Ảnh đại diện của DNV
    DNV đang ngoại tuyến Em tên là Hồng. Hãy gọi em là sịp hồng Moderator
    Ngày tham gia
    09 Dec 2009
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    Từ: Aurum Skin for FM15

    Mình edit cái titlebar 1 tí để có instant result, ai muốn dùng thì tải về chép đè vào:

    Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\Aurum\panels

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