FMEL15 is a real time editor for use with Football Manager 2015 that enables you to edit essential club and person information on the fly (such as finances, kits, injuries or stadium capacity). Compatible with the latest 15.2.1 patch.

FM Editor Live 2015 is a simple real time editor for Football Manager 2015 that allows you to edit data of your loaded FM15 save-game on the fly. FMEL is the only real-time editor that works with the FMC mode.
The only FREE real-time editor for FM15.

FMEL is exclusively available from
Redistribution Policy:

People who want to put FM Editor Live 2015 on other sites, you may link back to this very page but you cannot host any files yourselves. Thank you!

This tool is released for FREE, as we feel you shouldn't be forced to pay for 3rd party tools of a game.

Released: 23 December 2014 - v3.0

► .NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 (standalone offline installer) or higher
To find out if you have .NET Framework 4.0 installed, you can use Framework Detector (free tool).

► Patch 15.2.1 or Patch 15.2.0 (International)
To use this version of FMEL, you must have your game updated with 15.2.1 or 15.2.0.

► Microsoft Windows
Compatible with Windows XP (SP3), Vista, 7, 8.

FMEL allows you to search for the club, person or stadium of your choice and edit:

Chairman Status
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Junior Coaching
Youth Recruitment Network
Transfer Budgets (Season and Remaining)
Wage Budget
Maximum Wage
Overall Balance
Kit Colors (icon, shorts, socks, text, shirt)
Heal Team * / Destroy Team * / Inspire (happiness)

Heal * / Destroy * (condition, jadedness)
Height / Weight
Fitness / Match Fitness / Jadedness / Condition / Happiness
Reputation (Current, Home, World)
Contracts (wage and end date)
Attributes (view only)

Seating Capacity
Expansion Capacity
Build Date
Pitch Condition

* Heal not only heals injuries but also changes the player's condition to 100% and clears his jadedness. Destroy is the exact opposite.

FMEL is a simple editor that allows you to quickly adjust information of clubs, persons and stadiums. It should be safe to use it, but at any case make sure to keep a backup of your savegame before using.

Known Issues
If you close FM15 before FMEL15, the app will crash and trigger error popups. To avoid this, please close FMEL15 before closing FM15. Otherwise, you'll have to terminate the FMEL process using Windows Task Manager.
In Classic mode (FMC), if the player is under 19 they have no stored weight but they get one as soon as they turn 19.

This tool is an and association.

FMEL is created by Stelios.
Coding contributors:

Thanos (creator of MacAssistant RT) who ported FMEL to work with FM14 and helped with information and research over the years.
Jay (creator of iScout FMH, Save Editor and Pre Game Editor for FMH) who has been a major help since the last version of FMEL 2013.

Many thanks to: Eugene (Information & Research), Panos (super-tester), Ariel (super-tester), Stam (super-tester), Messy (Russian version tester) and Ronald (tester)!

Logo by Stam.

- Initial release, support for 15.2.0 and 15.2.1
- Updated UI
- Added Inspire Team
- Added Club Start Embargo Date
- Added Club End Embargo Date
- Fixed Pitch Position Functionality


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